Did you know Halloween originated as an ancient Celtic holiday, Samhain (SAH-win), which was celebrated to mark the end of the harvest? After St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland in the ninth century, the holiday merged with All Saints Day but retained some of its old traditions. Guising, for example, involved going door to door in disguise A more macabre practice was to mount enemies’ heads to protect the villages from evil — the original jack-o-lanterns 🎃
Another cool historical fact is the first monsters of Halloween were visitors from the Otherworld! Meet a few of them: Dullahan 🐴 — the headless horseman, Púca 🧌 — the mean-spirited shape shifter, Lady Gwyn 🧟♀️ — the headless woman haunting (and hunting) night wanderers, and The Faery Host 💀 — night kidnappers and soul thieves.
No monsters here (not yet, anyway). This Halloween, I have a special little treat for you — a deleted chapter from Through the Veneer of Time, called the Halloween Proposal. Read it to learn how Ryan proposed to Siena!